RISC User 12:10

February 2000

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OP Requiem Aeternam
Richard Hallas gets all misty-eyed over twelve years of RISC User magazine
OP RISC OS Outside
David Matthewman looks at the state of the ARM Linux project, and its future
OP How To Make Light of HTML
Mark Moxon winds up his HTML series with a look at all sorts of exciting web technologies
OP Netline
David Matthewman explains how to set up your own web site and domain
OP Juggling JavaScript
Mark Moxon takes a look at cookies and how to use them to create 'state' in web pages
OP Keep Those Acorns!
Chris Drage explains why schools should continue to use Acorns, and how they can integrate them into multi-platform networks
OP DTP Workshop
Richard Hallas reveals one of the great secrets of the universe: the Golden Section, and how it is relevant to desktop publishing
OP The Great Free-for-all
David Holden expounds his theories on the future of computing, and why there is no place in it for large, unwieldy companies
OP Brew Your Own Java
Peter Naulls rounds off his series with a look at decompilers and a handy collection of Java-related URLs for your hotlist


OP Tapping Resources
Nobilangelo Ceramalus discovers a superb school resource from a new Kiwi company with a long history... called TAP
OP Driving Ambition
Alasdair Bailey examines APDL's super-fast IDE drives and interfaces, and is impressed
OP Another Masterpiece
Nobilangelo Ceramalus has a play with David Cowell's second CD, Creative Digital Imaging and is as impressed with it as he was with its predecessor, An Introduction to Digital Art


OP Cover
Photography and design: Wandering Jelly
OP Contents & Editorial
OP News
OP Acorn Publisher offer
OP RISC User in a Nutshell CD
OP Solution to Puzzle 12:8
OP Personal ads
OP Stock clearance
OP Magazine Disc Dsc


OP David Pilling
Ovation Pro
OP Akalat Publishing
Acorn Publisher magazine
RISC User in a Nutshell CD (with extra details)
RISC World magazine
OP ProAction
RiscAction magazine
Imp Wakefield 2000
The Acorn RISC OS Show
OP Archive Publications
Archive magazine
What's left
Jpg Tau Press
Acorn User magazine
Imp Spacetech Ltd

Additional files

OP Flat Plan
Overall layout of pages for this issue of the magazine